Re+Ops Tools Census Sandbox

Reporting & Sharing

Sharing findings

How do researchers inform stakeholders and team mates of the research findings.

  • Google Slides - 18.53% of question respondents
  • Microsoft Powerpoint - 14.14%
  • Slack - 10.24%
  • Confluence - 8.78%
  • Dovetail - 7.8%
  • Google Docs - 5.36%
  • Miro - 5.36%
  • Condens - 5.36%
  • Notion - 4.39%
  • Figma - 3.41%
  • Airtable - 2.92%
  • Microsoft Word - 2.43%
Data below 2% are not shown. 100% of participants answered this question.

Infographics & data visualization

How do researchers present their data.

  • Google Sheets - 9.75% of question respondents
  • Miro - 8.29%
  • Figma - 7.8%
  • Microsoft Powerpoint - 6.82%
  • Google Slides - 4.87%
  • Microsoft Excel - 4.87%
  • Tableau - 2.92%
  • Condens - 2.43%
  • Airtable - 2.43%
  • Dovetail - 2.43%
Data below 2% are not shown. 100% of participants answered this question.

Storytelling & presentations

  • Google Slides - 22.92% of question respondents
  • Microsoft Powerpoint - 16.58%
  • Miro - 6.82%
  • Figma - 3.9%
  • Condens - 3.9%
  • Dovetail - 3.41%
  • Google Docs - 2.92%
  • KeyNote - 2.43%
Data below 2% are not shown. 100% of participants answered this question.

Research repositories

A research repository is a shared collection of UX-research-related elements that should support the following functions at the organization level: grow UX awareness and participation in UX work among leadership, product owners, and the organization at large.

  • Dovetail - 9.75% of question respondents
  • Confluence - 8.78%
  • Condens - 8.29%
  • Google Drive - 7.8%
  • Microsoft Sharepoint - 6.34%
  • Airtable - 4.87%
  • Notion - 4.87%
  • Google Sheets - 2.92%
  • EnjoyHQ - 2.43%
Data below 2% are not shown. 100% of participants answered this question.

Insights repositories

  • Dovetail - 10.73% of question respondents
  • Condens - 7.31%
  • Confluence - 6.82%
  • Airtable - 6.82%
  • Microsoft Sharepoint - 4.39%
  • Google Drive - 3.9%
  • Notion - 3.41%
  • - 2.43%
Data below 2% are not shown. 100% of participants answered this question.