Re+Ops Tools Census Sandbox

Participant Info


Our survey respondents mostly described their areas of expertise.

  • User or design research - 51.21% of question respondents
  • Research operations - 15.12%
  • UX or product design - 10.73%
  • Leadership (manager or director) - 9.26%
  • null - 8.78%
Data below 2% are not shown. 100% of participants answered this question.

Those participants who selected User researcher of design researcher described their role as one that was ancecdotally like something we did not expect. This indicates that job roles within the industry may be changing in this certain way.


Our survey respondents mostly described their areas of expertise.

  • 4 - 6 years - 22.43% of question respondents
  • 1 - 3 years - 20.97%
  • 7 - 10 years - 19.51%
  • More than 15 years - 12.19%
  • 11 - 15 years - 11.21%
  • null - 7.8%
  • Less than a year - 4.39%
Data below 2% are not shown. 100% of participants answered this question.


Those participants who identified as research and/or research operations marked the following as their main job role/responsibilities.

  • 53.65%
  • 46.82%
  • 45.36%
    Training and mentoring
  • 41.46%
    Research libraries
  • 38.53%
    Data governance and guidelines
  • 35.6%
    Vendor management and tools
  • 30.73%
  • 25.36%
    Finance and procurement
  • 25.36%
  • 12.19%
    Lab manager